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How to be happy now A recipe for happiness

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This book is written in a new literal genre named 
New Classic ExPresSionism.
You will not only read the written words but also experience their meaning.
For example, if I write “summer” you will experience warmth.
My work is about Awakening. I wrote is so you could experience it.
“And the word become flesh and is living among us.”
New Classic exPresSionism (shortly NCE) allows you not only connect with the material presented in the article but also gives you a chance to experience it.

For example, if I am writing about Awareness, you not only understand what I am writing about but also experience it despite its meaning that can be logical, or illogical, or just a rumble.

Basically, you become Aware so you can understand fully not only the content but also the context and the real meaning of it.
Similarly with other meanings like Emptiness or Suchness or Enlightenment… 
Such writings can be done if the writer has full understanding 
of what she or he is writing about.
So it has to be based and backed up by a long practice which allows to completely experience the written words. The words have to carry their full meaning which can be achieved by practicing of what it is written about.
Words not only have a meaning but their form (the way they are written) becomes a meaning too.
Words and the way they are written make them almost like paintings.
Form becomes a meaning and meaning remains a meaning.
This way meaning is liberated from the form as form becomes a meaning too. When the meaning is liberated, free, it can take any possible shape which will be its form and the form this way is seen as empty.
This is also a definition of pure form that has been looked for by artists from the beginning of the existence of art. 
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How to be happy now A recipe for happiness

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